A photo of a skyscraper office building inside with a few colleagues standing and chatting in front of an expansive view of the city.
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Personal & Professional Growth
February 2, 2023

The Give and Take of Business Networking

While business networking can be accomplished in many ways, the data is universal in support of the tangible and intangible benefits to be derived from being an active participant.

In the business world, the best way to stay secure professionally is by being more valuable tomorrow than you were yesterday. Think of it as an investment in your future success!

Knowing what makes you a valuable employee at work can be challenging. But one surefire way to create lasting value, no matter what you do, is by building and nurturing your network of relationships through active and thoughtful networking.

Traditionally, people saw networking as a way to get ahead for their own benefit. But in reality, effective networking is about connecting with others in a way that benefits everyone involved. It's a give-and-take process where everyone gains something.

To succeed in business networking, it's essential to adopt the mindset that helping others will help you, too.

In the book "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi, networking is described as a "virtuous reciprocal circle." It's a dynamic process where you build relationships, share information, and help others achieve their goals while they do the same for you. When it works well, everyone wins.

Data support the benefits of networking. According to a recent LinkedIn survey, most professionals believe networking is crucial for career success. Face-to-face communication is also seen as vital for long-term business relationships, and many job opportunities are created through networking.

But while people recognize the importance of networking, many need help to maintain their network over time. Some say they don't have the time, others feel uncertain about what to discuss, and some need to see the point when their career is going well. Younger professionals may also need more confidence to start networking.

So, how can professionals overcome these obstacles? It all comes down to having the right approach.

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Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Start Early

Begin building your network today. You have more opportunities to connect with people than you think. Start by reaching out to people you already know.

Define Your Goals

Be clear about what you want to achieve through networking. Create a plan with specific goals and strategies to make it happen.


Research and planning are crucial for making a good impression. The insights and information you bring to a networking meeting can make a positive impact.

Forget Keeping Score

Networking works best when there's mutual support without tracking who owes whom. Think of it like karma – if you do good for others, it will return to you.

Listen Actively

Pay attention to what others are saying. Seek to understand their point of view and show a genuine interest in their experiences and achievements.

Remember, it's never too early to start building a solid network. The sooner you begin, the sooner you'll develop your business skills, become a trusted advisor, and advance your career.

Good luck and happy networking!

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