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Personal & Professional Growth
February 5, 2024

Take control of your career

In the ever-evolving landscape of your career, take charge, be proactive, and build a network of advocates who appreciate your worth.

Having a supportive boss who advocates for your career growth is a tremendous asset. If you find yourself in a situation where your boss isn't actively championing your advancement, it's crucial to take proactive steps to navigate and overcome potential challenges.

Firstly, if there are areas where you can improve or develop skills, it's worth considering self-reflection. Soliciting feedback from your boss can provide valuable insights into their expectations and how you can align your efforts with organizational goals.

A career coach can also offer personalized guidance to help you make the necessary improvements.

On the flip side, if your performance is strong and your boss isn't advocating for you, it's important not to take it personally.

There could be various reasons, such as internal politics, insecurities, or biases. In such cases, it's empowering to take control of your career trajectory. Seeking an executive sponsor within the organization can be a game-changer.

Identify someone influential who can strategically support your career advancement by endorsing you at the right moments. Building a strong network, both internally and externally, is another key strategy.

Photo by fauxels: www.pexels.com

Positive relationships with colleagues at all levels, as well as involvement in industry or community activities, can create a ripple effect, enhancing your reputation and opening doors to new opportunities. Remember, everyone deserves a champion in their corner.

If your boss isn't stepping up to the plate, you have the power to influence your narrative. You might just be a single project, committee, or conversation away from being recognized for your contributions and potential.

In the ever-evolving landscape of your career, take charge, be proactive, and build a network of advocates who appreciate your worth.

Your journey doesn't have to be defined solely by your current circumstances; there are numerous avenues for growth and success waiting to be explored.


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk - pexels.com

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