A small baby boy is standing holding onto the coffee table in the living room, wearing a wool hat and a puffy outdoor jacket.
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Coach's Corner
January 24, 2022

My New Chief Stress Officer

Children bring wonderful perspectives to our lives if we open ourselves to the beauty and wonder they bring every day.

I sat in my office this morning and began to think about all the things I am most grateful for in my life. I immediately started to dwell on my grandson, Rory, and the unbelievable joy he brings to our world every day.

I have had the pleasure of watching my daughter and her husband welcome their first child into their lives. What an exciting time it has been for all of us. From the second I was able to hold him for the very first time, I immediately realized that nothing will be the same again. We were all transfixed and transformed in ways I have difficulty describing. When you experience the birth of a child or grandchild, you can never look at your life and what it represents in the same way.

A precious miracle has now taken center stage and the excitement, joy, and a fierce sense of protection all contribute to the immense love I feel. My capacity to love another human being has been stretched to a whole new level. The pride I feel when I see my daughter as a new Mom for the first time is so intense.

“God sends children for another purpose than merely to keep up the race. It is to give our souls higher aims, to bring round our bright faces and happy smiles, and to enlarge our loving, tender hearts.” — Mary Howitt

With the busyness of life, it is easy to lose perspective and take for granted the gifts we have been given. The world is a little crazy these days, and it is also easy to become jaded and forget what is most important in our lives. This is why children are a blessing.

The ground us, they center us, they remind us how joyful it is to be innocent and playful. They bring us new individual dimensions that help us to be stronger, more patient, wiser, and more compassionate human beings. Our lives develop a deeper sense of purpose because they are part of us, and we are part of them.

They open our eyes to wonders which, at times, I honestly don’t think we would see without them. When we stop and listen, really listen to these little ones, they open our minds to a world we have either long forgotten or have missed altogether. They help make the simplest things breathtaking.

As my coaching business expands and the challenges of running a new business in the middle of a global pandemic seem even more daunting, I decided to expand my team. I am proud to say that I have brought on my grandson, Rory, as the newest and most important member of the One Step Up team. I coached this little guy through the interview process, and he was offered the job on the spot!

He is my esteemed Chief Stress Officer, or as we like to say, the “CSO.” At the end of the day whenever the weight of the world seems a little too heavy, I take my CSO and hold him in my arms, squeeze him tight and all my worries drift away. It works like a charm.

Needless to say, during his most recent performance review, he received a hefty raise!

Helping to raise this unique and little man to become all he can be is a joy like no other.



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