As my wife and I decorate the house with Christmas ornaments, the cozy feel of the season brings back a flood of memories, especially those of my parents.
It's a time when I think about the passage of time, realizing that I've reached an age where my mom and dad transformed from heroes to the "old folks." It's a sober realization that carries a weight of reflection. As my upcoming birthday approaches, thoughts about appreciating our parents have been on my mind more than ever. Sadly, my parents are no longer with us, and the chance to express my gratitude to them has slipped away.
Yet, for those fortunate enough to still have their parents by their side, I offer this heartfelt advice:
Cherish your parents—they're the living bridge to your past and will hold your hand for as long as they can as you journey into the future. Our parents hold our family history, pass down valuable lessons, and provide the foundation for our lives. Their wisdom, experiences, and traditions shape who we are.

Parents are reliable guides in life's unpredictable journey, offering care and protection. They bring stability and help us navigate the unknown future. Acknowledging our parents' unique role and expressing our gratitude is essential, not just for the past but also for the present and future. As our parents age, they deserve to grow old, surrounded by the same love and care they gave us in our formative years. This means showing them affection, empathy, and understanding.
Listening to our parents' stories is a gift, a chance to honor their rich lives, even if the tales sound familiar. Just as they supported us in overcoming challenges, we should applaud their strengths in facing the trials of aging. We must boost their self-esteem and support them as they did for us when we were young. Encouraging their social connections and relishing moments with their grandchildren is a way to reciprocate their joy when we brought friends home. It's about letting them savor the meaningful talks with their grandchildren, contributing to the beautiful continuation of our family story. Understanding the sentimental value our parents attach to objects is an act of honoring their emotional history. These belongings aren't mere possessions but containers of memories and experiences that have shaped their lives.
We must always recognize that our parents, like us, can make mistakes. The kindness they showed us when we erred should be returned to them.
And as our parents embark on their later years, our support becomes invaluable. Whether it's a helping hand in the physical sense or offering emotional support, being there for them echoes the support they provided us at the beginning of our life's journey. This heartfelt reminder encourages us to treat our aging parents with genuine and authentic love. It's about respecting, cherishing, and empathizing with them, mirroring the kindness and support they showed us in our earlier years. It's a call to honor our lifelong bond with our parents, expressing our gratitude through actions and words.
After all, their hands held ours as we cross into the future; it's time for us to hold theirs with the same love and care.
Bill Dwyer